Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics
United Nations»
“Webinar in partnership with UN-World Academy of Arts and Sciences project on Global Leadership.”
June 2020, Geneva
more »Council of Europe»
“Mobilizing Parliamentarians and Civic Leaders to Implement the Culture of Peace and SDG's through Legislation.”
October 2019, Council of Europe
more »Congressional Caucus for the Culture of Peace»
The Road Map to a Culture of Peace in the Middle East
October 2019, Washington D.C.
more »High Level Roundtable
Forum 2»
“Preventing Violent Extremism By Developing A Culture Of Peace”
September 2019, United Nations Headquarters
more »Council of Europe»
“Council of Europe Proposes IPCGE as Strategic Partner”
June 2019, Council of Europe
more »Meeting at Senate of Assemblee Nationale Paris»
"Mobilizing Parliamentarians And Civic Leaders To Implement The Culture Of Peace And Sdg'S Through Legislation”
May 2019, Paris
more »Turning Swords Into Plowshares»
“Mobilizing Parliamentarians and Civic Leaders to Implement the Culture of Peace and SDG's”
May 2019, United Nations Headquarters
more »Meeting of IPCGE Board Members in Rome»
“Discussions for joint initiatives on education for the culture of peace”
March 2019, Rome
more »Task Force at the United Nations»
“Including HE Frederioc Mayor's video address ”
September 2018, United Nations
more »Meeting of IPCGE Board Members with French Senator Samia Ghali/May 2018»
“Discussions for joint initiatives on education for the culture of peace”
May 2018, Paris
more »IPCGE Board Members Meet with UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay at Vesak Day Observance/May 2018 »
May 2018, UNESCO Headquarters
more »IPCGE conference on the Culture of Peace as a Foundation for the Peace Process in the Middle East/ Knesset May 2018 »
“Education on the Culture of Peace as a Foundation for Solving Conflicts in the Mideast and Around the Globe”
May 2018, Jerusalem
more »MEETING OF IPCGE BOARD MEMBERS WITH SEC OF STATE HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL PAROLIN/ SEPTEMBER 2017 Discussions for joint initiatives on education for the culture of peace »
“Discussions for joint initiatives on education for the culture of peace”
September 2017, Rome
more »Building peace starts on the parliamentarians’ benches as much as on the benches of schools »
“Building peace and preventing violent extremism cannot be won with hard power only”
July 2016, United Nations Headquarters
more »High level Forum at the United Nations
The Permanent Forum for a Culture of Peace and Global Ethics (PFCP) is being developed as the executive branch of the United Nations Conflict Mediation Commission
July 2016, United Nations Headquarters
more »High Level Panel on The Role of Parliaments for Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies and Combatting Violent Extremism »
“The Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics (IPCGE) serves to promote the alignment of national legislation with and implementation of the United Nations resolutions on the culture of peace, environmental ethics and social justice. ”
July 2016, United Nations Headquarters
more »High-Level Panel on The Role of Parliaments for Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies and Combating Violent Extremism »
July 2016, United Nations Headquarters
more »On the week of the worst terrorist attacks. United Nation Summit mobilizing Cultural and Religious Ethics. »
“On the week of the worst terrorist attacks in recent history in Europe, news that has shaken the international community to its core, a group of men and women, diplomats, journalists and Rabbis, Imams, and Reverends, met at the United Nations for the November 9th Summit mobilizing Cultural and Religious Ethics for Agenda 2030.”
November 2015, United Nations Headquarters
“The U.N. post 2015 development goals encompass ethics inherent in many cultures and religions on issues of social and environmental justice. The Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics is launching a major initiative to create a global steering committee of religious leaders and cultural representatives to lead the efforts to harness cultural and religious ethics to promote these goals.”
November 2015, United Nations Headquarters
more »The Levant Initiative for the peace Process in the Middle East Global Summit - United Nations Headquarters »
June 2013, United Nations Headquarters
more »The Levant Initiative, a keystone for global peace »
“The Levant Initiative for Global Peace, initiated by the Inter-Parliamentary coalition for global ethics in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, was introduced under the title “The Levant Initiative for the Peace Process in the Middle East” at the Bucharest International Conference on “Levant: Cradle of cultural diplomacy”, hosted by the Parliament of Romania in May 2013 and subsequently endorsed by the Romanian Senate and Chamber of Deputies in a “Message of the Romanian Parliament” for the Global Summit at the United Nations Headquarters in June 2013.”
June 2013, United Nations Headquarters
more »Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Levant »
Levant, Cradle of Cultural Diplomacy: Rediscovering the Mediterranean"
May 2013, Berlin
more »Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Levant »
Levant, Cradle of Cultural Diplomacy: Rediscovering the Mediterranean"
May 2013, Bucharest
more »The Road Map to a Culture of Peace in the Middle East »
Track III Diplomacy re-assessing the Mideast Peace Process towards the Incoming Administration
September 2012, Washington D.C.
more »The Road Map to a culture of Peace in the Middle East
Track III Diplomacy. Re-Assessing the Mideast Peace Process towards the incoming Administration
Wednesday 12th September 2012 11.00am. Consultation held at Capitol Hill in attendance Senator Mike Lee of Utah as well as many other Congressmen, all showing support of the Peace Initiative proposed.Consultation In Hebron
July 2012Track III Diplomacy consultation held in Hebron, Israel with Sheik Al-Jabari on the peace process in Israel and how to advance for the Culture of Peace Initiative.
May 16, 2012. Conference on the Mideast peace Process. European Union Parliament. Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by MEP Fiorello Provera, Deputy Chairman of the EU Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs
International Summit of Religious and Political at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre London .
16th April 2012
Presidential Meetings.
August 2011.
Pastor Enoch Adeboye meeting with both President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to gain support for the Culture of Peace Initiative proposed.
2010-2011 - Networking with Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics.
2011 - Meeting of Jewish and Muslim religious leaders in Istanbul (attached press release).
June 20 2011.
1 p.m. - 5 p.m..
The Road Map to a Culture of Peace:.
Co-Sponsor: Pastor E.A Adeboye Chairman of CRF Trust.
Under the Patronage of His Majesty, King Mohamed VI, Kingdom of Morocco & Fundacion Cultura de Paz, H.E. Frederico Mayor,.
Hosted by the Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations.
2008-10 Diplomatic and Parliamentary Activities.
EIC has been conducting contacts in the diplomatic and Parliamentary arenas with various missions at the United Nations and Parliament of the Quartet member nations for the adoption of U.N. resolutions on Education for a Culture of Peace and Global Ethics.
November 2010- Facilitation of global prayer event
Lisbon, Portugal.
Prodignitate Headquarters.
October 22, 2007.
Cimeira Internacional.
"Educação para a Paz".
Summit on Universal Education and Parenting for Peace and Global Ethics.
Academia Internacional da Cultura Portuguesa / Associação Europeia de Pais / Fundación Cultura de Paz / Global Ethics Consortium/ Pro Dignitate
U.N. Headquarters.
October 17, 2007.
Protection of Religious Sites and.
The Road Map to a Culture of Peace in the Middle East: A Model Agreement.
Co-Sponsor: Fundacion Cultura de Paz, H.E. Frederico Mayor.
Under the Patronage of His Majesty, King Mohamed VI, Kingdom of Morocco.
Hosted by the Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations .
Pre-summit Briefing.
Meeting with President of the General Assembly, President Kerim and religious leaders
Emergency Global Summit: U.N. HEADQUARTERS, New York.
July 31, 2007.
Conference Room 8.
15:00 - 18:00 p.m..
Protection of Religious Sites and.
The Road Map to a Culture of Peace in the Middle East.
Co-Sponsor: Fundacion Cultura de Paz, H.E. Frederico Mayor.
Under the Patronage of His Majesty, King Mohamed VI, Kingdom of Morocco.
Hosted by the Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations .
October 2007.
Pre-Summit Meeting with President of the General Assembly and.
Israel's Chief Rabbi Amar
THE Road to a Culture of Peace.
A Global Model.
Endorsed by H.E. Frederico Mayor as Co-Chair of the U.N. Alliance of Civilizations.
Preparatory meetings with U.N. missions.
June 2006/March 2007